Monday, June 1, 2009

I won't be myself just for a moment

What is the matter?
I try To improve the quality
I try to make things easier


Why All of you try to destroy it?
Try to make it complicated?

What I have done?
Smiling like a dumb person,
Telling that I’m fine, although I am 100 times exhausted
Feel that I’m going to faint, but still I lift myself up with no strength

What have all of you got?
A relax situation,
An easier job,
A comfort place with some food I bought

You just can’t see that??
What I have done to all of you
I feel that I’m tired of being an ANGLE...! I should be cruel !
I should act like a DEMON better than that,
I should be a SATAN
If I’m born to be that , maybe you will be glad?
So, all of you wants me to be that way?

I sick of everything,
I will let all of you do all that,
I give up, I won be the reminder anymore,
I won be the one who run here and there for all of you anymore,

I quit my ANGLE job