Sunday, May 17, 2009

EMO day~

Recently many people emo-ing in my school
so suffer living in a emo world

No laughing, no talks, no jokes and not even a smile

Why a person can make their face just freeze like tat for the whole day
I cant take it like this, no matter how sad I am

I will give a smile, just a simple one, to make sure that I’M OKAY…
My dear friends, you have reason to be sad, you sure will have reason to be happy

I don’t what to emphasize here, the only point I want to say is don’t waste your time living in blaming world or sigh for the rest of your life~

When you reflect back your memory, you will find that your sad moment will be more than your happy moment, trust me… you will regret…

you will feel mortifying for the rest of your life….
Don’t make your life meaningless, what for we live? We live to enjoy !

When you feel desperate, feel down, just give yourself a limit, cry and release just for a short while, than when you feel better, you will find that it just a small things to care for…

Make your life special and meaningful, you will be greatful and thankful….remember to pray all the time , blessings will come to you automatically…

Just find many many reason to be happy

Practice makes perfect

1 comment:

远尘 said...

